Tuesday, December 19, 2023

People Without a Compass 

Excerpts from WORLD magazine 

     They live by bending the laws of the universe. They live in subjectivity (following personal feelings or opinions)

     A theologian responded to a question about why people cannot make sense of their lives without reference to the God of the Bible. Absent the words of Scripture, "one has to start with man as self-sufficient and self-explanatory."

     That being the case, "He has to identify facts in chaos... to relate these facts by logic which itself sprung from chaos."

     God described the ancient Ninevites as "120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left" Jonah 4:11. This is the Middle East today, where generations are raised to hate, kill and destroy. 

     If anybody can speak wisdom to the Middle Eastern problem, it is those who have the Word of the true God as the foundation. These are they who hold the Moral Compass in the chaos (as a sextant enabled captains to navigate the sea).

     Whether it be teenagers or nations flailing in the darkness of their subjectivity, a true Sextant is their only hope. 


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