Monday, December 11, 2023

Television, or Reading 

     Which is better for us? TV is easiest, and more entertaining. But, are there benefits in reading that television can't offer? Although yours truly likes to do both, I read the benefits written by someone else. Let me share: 

     There are health benefits. 

     Reading slows cognitive decline. Boy, do I need that.

     Reading improves concentration. It requires undivided attention and focus, which can improve our ability to concentrate whenever concentration is required. 

     Reading improves literacy. It leads us to new vocabulary and information. Smart! 

     Reading is free entertainment. Provided we get books from a library or a friend. 

     Reading leads to higher time. A study of some 1900 identical twins in the United Kingdom found that twins with early reading skills had more results for intelligence later in life. 

     Reading helps us relax. It reduces stress and helps us sleep. Researchers found that reading may reduce stress by as much as 68 percent. Don't know how they measure this. 

     If we prefer to be a couch potato staring at the TV...we are free to live without the above benefits. Advertisers will love us. 

       says Jimmy


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