Saturday, December 16, 2023

Commentary: John Chapter 5

     Starting with verse 16, John begins to show that in spite of Jesus' miracles, and even because of them, religious leaders intensely opposed him. 

     We get it. These were astounding claims. 

     God is Jesus' Father in a unique (incarnate)way. 

     The Incarnate one has unity, communion and authority with God. 

     He has power to give eternal life, and to raise the dead. 

     He has the right to judge all people. 

     He has the right to divine honor.

     In verse 24, Jesus told them how someone can cross over from death to life: Hear his word. Believe him (God) who sent ... the Incarnation. 

     Note: Eternal life is conditioned on a present, living faithfulness to God's grace, not a decision made in the past.         

Next:  Son of Man 

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