Wednesday, December 27, 2023

 Oh, the crowd! 

     Jesus was drawing large crowds with his teaching and healing power. One day Mary his mother and his brothers tried to catch up with him. When told they were outside, wanting to see him, Jesus said, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's Word and put it into practice" (Luke chapter 8).

     Wow! Did the family ever see him? What did they want to tell him anyway? Or ask him! 

     John chapter 19: Jesus had brought Lazarus to life after four days in a tomb. Officials, losing their grip on the people, saw this not as amazing, good news, but a final straw that might trigger the Romans to take full control of Judea. (The Romans did just that anyway, a few decades later.)

     They arrested Jesus one night, sent him to Pilate's court, and prodded onlookers to demand his crucifixion. It worked. 

     Suffering on his cross, Jesus saw his mother, Mary, now probably nearing age 50. Her sister was there. And John, the only disciple with the courage to attend this sordid event. 

     Jesus addressed Mary, "Dear woman, here is your son." And to John, "Here is your mother." 

     How did Mary know about this? Was she still living in Nazareth? Did she follow the same 90-mile route to Jerusalem/Bethlehem she had traveled three decades earlier as a virgin with her unborn baby?

Tomorrow: fulfilling prophecy  


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