Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 Long Memories Anyone?

     If a president made a number of statements, formal or otherwise, over the year ... and there were absolutely no recordings or records of same ... would anyone 30 years later be able to quote word for word his remarks. We mean: exactly! 

     We have a hunch Moses wasn't there with a tape recorder when God created the heavens and the earth. Yet, he is believed by Jews to have written all that history, right up to the time God removed him from his faithful service, at age 120. 

     Long after, Jesus confirmed it. Moses authored the first five books in the Old Testament. 

     Is there any doubt that God himself, beyond our understanding, told Moses what to write? With God overlooking, Moses may have added details that he himself experienced.   

     Two millenniums later, with the benefit of parchment, men could write even more. New Testament authors Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote and quoted Jesus precisely ... 30 to 50-some years after he departed. Luke, a gentile who didn't know Jesus personally, and who wrote the key book of Acts, must have had divine help. 

     Is there any doubt that God himself, capable beyond our understanding, oversaw the four "gospels?" John wrote Revelation long after this. He heard from Jesus in glory; he saw the visions, and he wrote. Ordinary men like Peter couldn't have said what they did without divine influence.  

     Please don't doubt the truth of the Bible. Your eternity depends on it.




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