Monday, December 25, 2023

The Day After Christmas  

     While many rush to stores the day after, to exchange gifts that didn't quite give, we look back to... What happened 2,000-plus years ago that we make such a big deal out of the mall? Or, by Amazon Prime? 

     In the book of Luke, an angel named Gabriel appeared to Mary, a virgin, who was engaged to marry Joseph, a descendant of David. He said "you are highly favored," and that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and she will "name the child Jesus...because he will save his people from their sins." 

     Both Matthew and Luke agree unequivocally that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. 

     Throughout history, kingship, inheritance and such always included a man as head. This would be different. 

     Jesus would also be called the Son of the Most High and inherit the throne of his father David, and "he will reign over the house of Jacob forever." 

     Mary and Joseph later had sons the normal way. She is greatly respected for her character, and because she was chosen for such an honor. We don't worship her, rather, her child, the newborn king. 

     In the book of Matthew, Jesus was also called Immanuel, which means God with us (Isaiah 7:14), written hundreds of years earlier.

     Mary's son was rejected and crucified.

     God's calling is always both blessing and and sadness...success and disappointment. 

Tomorrow: water into wine



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