Friday, December 1, 2023

Thank You

     We were happy to provide that series on the CIA...and sad that there are other agencies also watering down their purpose. If you missed it, you could still backtrack to blogs Monday-Friday. 

     With the Justice Dept. and its FBI tag along, and other departments a bit more political than governmental, "Houston, we have a problem." 

     There are some 36 agencies in the Federal Government, all beginning with the letter A. You're welcome to count the rest - on Google. Not that they're all compromised.

     The average income for people in and around Washington, DC is well above every other region in America, despite poverty and crime in Washington's inner city. If the elite don't care about folks who share their space, what makes us think they care about us? 

     We are taught to pray for our political (and dictatorial) leaders, and for our "enemies," whoever they may be. But, if our hope for peace and prosperity depends on them, not on God, we are lost. 

          This week we happened again to come across Psalm 2:1...  

Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?

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