What's Christmas Really About?
As we approach Christmas day, let's take a few minutes to reflect on the world we live in, and why we celebrate on December 25, far more than any other day. From our commentary:
Of all the creatures God made, human beings are by far the highest and most complex. Because of pride, humans often forget - or were never taught - that God is their Creator, and that they are dependent on God.
Human personhood in the image of God.
We were created in God's image, by a special decision of God and in his likeness. Adam and Eve were not products of evolution. In his likeness, they were able to have fellowship with God, and reflect his love, glory and holiness.
They had at least three aspects of the image of God: a moral likeness, intelligence (spirit, mind, emotions and power of choice), and physical makeup, an image not true of animals. God (incarnate) appeared to Abraham (Genesis 18:1-2) in the image his Son would one day assume (Luke 1:35).
Sin interrupts fellowship
When Adam and Eve sinned, the image of God in them was seriously corrupted, but not totally destroyed. They were no longer perfect and holy, but prone to sin, which they passed on to their children.
Redeemed believers must be renewed to the original moral likeness of God (Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:10). Sinful people still have aspects of the likeness to God in intelligence, with a capacity for fellowship and communication with him (Acts 17:27-28). Intelligence was marred when they sinned in the Garden of Eden, but not totally removed.
Tomorrow: Responsibilities of human personhood