Tuesday, April 20, 2021

 Woke Attacks!  

   First, to those who contribute to Black Lives Matter, one of the black cofounders of BLM just bought herself a $1.4 million house in a mostly white LA neighborhood, and other property, with your money? We've heard that way more than half of all contributions are going to the founders’ personal accounts. Is it?

 Now to our topic of the day: woke.

   The word “woke,” past tense of wake, has been around for several decades, meaning awake, awareness of social injustice and discrimination. Today its users say, we need to stay angry and stay woke. Fine.

   However, large numbers of people in colleges, politics and news media are using “woke” as a weapon. They decide who should have liberty and who should not. Some activists may strive to be the “wokest” of them all. 

   Last week we wrote how Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines and Coca-Cola supported moving the all-star game from Atlanta to Denver, due to alleged injustice in Georgia’s voting rules. Then we wrote to Delta’s CEO listing a half dozen reasons he is wrong, or inconsiderate of the views of many of his passengers.

   Dinesh D’Souza provided more insight on the internet. He says more than 100 American CEOs joined a zoom call with a Yale professor urging them to be “woke” and do the bidding of political activists, or else. D’Sousa claims participants included the Atlanta Falcons, Walmart, United and American airlines, Lincoln, Levi Strauss and Norwegian Cruise Lines.

   The CEOs were advised to oppose voting reform in any state, and reevaluate investments accordingly. Here’s the scary part. 

   D’Sousa says corporate CEOs on the whole select the board members who establish their pay and benefits. Norwegian’s boss doubled his income to $35 million last year while his business suffered an 80 percent drop in revenue and a $4 billion loss. All these CEOs combined totaled $13.7 million in raises last year, despite the pandemic.

   Coca-Cola’s sugary drinks, D’Souza says, cause 180,000 deaths/year, worldwide. The largest affected region is Central and South America, if that means anything.

   These and other examples paint CEOs in a bad light, and woke activists threaten - with help from woke news media - to turn employees and customers against them. Delta’s top man had no problem with Georgia’s revisions until a woke attack changed his mind. Worse, it is not justice the wokers are concerned about, but solidifying political power, in some measure, Marxist.

   The CEO’s cave to “get them off my back.” It’s getting wokier by the day; the big shots are woked, and now you are awoken to it.


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