Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What It Is    

Critical Race Theory, 2 of 6, by Christopher Rufo 

   This is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on identity-based Marxism. It has become the default ideology in our public institutions. It has been injected into government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs and corporate human resources departments. Methods include public policy frameworks and school curricula.

   There are euphemisms to describe critical race theory, including "equity," "social justice," diversity and inclusion," and "culturally responsive teaching." 

   These theorists, masters of language construction, realize that "neo-Marxism" would be a hard sell. Equity on the other hand sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the principle of equality. Indeed, equality is explicitly rejected by critical race theorists. To them, equality represents "mere nondiscrimination," and provides "camouflage" for white supremacy, patriarchy and oppression.  

   Equity, as defined and promoted by critical race theorists, is little more than reformulated Marxism. In the name of equity, UCLA law professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth and redistributing them along racial lines.

   Critical race guru Ibram X. Kendi, who directs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, has proposed the creation of a federal Department of Antiracism. This department would be independent of (i.e., unaccountable to) the elected branches of government. It would have the power to nullify, veto or abolish any law at any level of government and curtail the speech of political leaders and others who are deemed insufficiently "antiracist." 

   The practical result would be the overthrow of capitalism according to Kendi: "In order to truly be antiracist, you also have to truly be anti-capitalist." Identity is the means and Marxism is the end. 

   An equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property, but also individual rights, equality under the law, federalism and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. 

   Critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration of Independence and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution. 

Friday: How It Works



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