Thursday, April 22, 2021

 Good, Bad and Tragic

   We felt for a young woman with two small children, somehow making the trip from Central America to the U.S.-Mexican border, only to be turned away. What does she do now? 

   What a mess!

   No doubt there are desperate folks coming up from nearly unlivable regions. And while we process them, bad guys are slipping through the cracks.

   These are the drug dealers, human traffickers, gang members and who knows what else. People from 141 different countries, they say. We don’t know where immigrants get the money that enriches the cartels who help them cross the border.

   We hear of women being abused. And kids assigned to transport drugs, else family members back home will be eliminated. Some slip through and then die in the desert. 

   We’re told three presidents, including our incumbent, have contributed to the notion that America’s welcome mat is out – more or less. Compassion! People need jobs, education and food stamps. Others are lawless.  

   Dear Lord, what is going on?

   He knows. We don’t. There are desperate Christian families coming across. There are loving Americans taking them in. What else is a Christian to do?

   Some American “believers” are not so welcoming.

   It is right, intermingled with wrong. It is good, while enabling the bad.

   Is God taking care of his business while allowing America to mismanage its business?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. 

Proverbs 3:5


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