Wednesday, April 7, 2021

 Shall We Fly Delta?    

   Maybe we should get with the times and start cancelling people we disagree with. 

   In our extended family we have a Delta Airlines pilot and a retired Delta employee. We choose Delta, if they're flying where we're going. 

   We are related to five families living in the Atlanta area. So? 

   So, we are bummed that Delta joined Coca-Cola - both headquartered in Atlanta - supporting Major League Baseball's politically correct decision to move its all-star game from Atlanta to Denver. Not that we care about the game, or even if they play the game. We don't. 

   You may know that MLB objected to Georgia's recent legislation - expanding voter access in some districts, and shoring up security after November's concerns. Commissioner Rob Manfred referred to "restrictions to the ballot box." If he meant language that restricts voting to legally registered Georgians, what's the beef?   

   Georgia, which requires IDs for in-person voting, added voter ID for people  requesting and mailing ballots. We don't know if Manfred has a problem with his organization requiring IDs when fans pick up tickets at the stadium. Ha. 

   This is the MLB that made a deal with Tencent, a Communist-backed tech company in China, to stream 125 ball games. It's rumored there are no free elections in China. Ha. 

   As for Delta's "values" being scorned, Gov. Brian Kemp said, "At no point (during crafting of the law) did Delta oppose expanding early voting, or stronger voter ID, or drop boxes and language to help local election officials" do their jobs. 

   Delta CEO Ed Bastian joined Coca-Cola in saying "they worked for changes to the bill." Bastian said the "rationale was based on a lie - voter fraud." Well, courts wouldn't get involved, so it is what it is. 

   Kemp notes that he has to show his ID to fly Delta. And Coca-Cola requires shareholders to show IDs to attend its annual meeting. 

   Here's a clue. Liberal activists are boycotting Georgia companies that did not do anything to block changes to the law. Therefore, we say, MLB, Delta and Coca-Cola chose not to be boycotted, never mind the IDs, early voting and all the rest.

   Doesn't Delta know the green left is coming after the airlines at a time of their choosing? Does Mr. Bastian wonder if some of the 74 million voters who wanted centrist government might cancel Delta before the Democrats do it? 

   There are thousands of black individuals and many black businesses that will miss out on some $100 million in spending the game would have provided. Denver is celebrating like they won the World Series. And their voting rules are little different than Atlanta's.  

   Our second cousin in Cobb County, who earns his living by writing online articles, and interviews players at spring training every year, probably expected to work the weekend of the all-star game. 

   Maybe we'll write to Delta's CEO to say we will fly Southwest when and if we ever fly again. That will put the fear into him! 




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