Saturday, April 24, 2021

 Coming Soon

Critical Race Theory

What it is and how to fight it.

   We know that our constitution, history and white men in general are under verbal attack. Sometimes right is wrong and wrong is right. Newsmakers say strange things.

   After reading the words of a speech delivered at Hillsdale College, we began to grasp "critical race theory." Then while watching the evening news on two different channels, we quickly identified the issues as part of this theory-in-action, even though no one mentioned "critical race theory" by name.    

   Christopher F. Rufo , journalist, film maker and conservative activist, was the Hillsdale speaker. He reviewed the atrocious history of Marxist nations, described critical race theory, how it works, futile resistance, political engagement and courage.

   It’s not good, friends - I say evil - and its tentacles stretch from Washington, D.C. to elementary schools around the nation.

   Our plan on Views is to summarize the speech - Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week, and the following week on the same days...six blogs in all. It’s that important.

   Marxists posing as defenders of minorities can be defeated, but only if honest, informed Americans understand the threat and stand up to it. 

   There was a revolution for the cause of freedom in 1776. There will be a counter revolution if we don't defeat these leftists in education, business and politics. 



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