Saturday, April 10, 2021

Equality Beyond Death?     

   Our leaders are on a roll...rolling back inequality by taxing the rich and devising ways to give reparations to descendants of slaves.

   Such is the ideal of Marxism - From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs. The principle: Free access to and distribution of goods, capital and services.  

   Equality has never been achieved, except in the form of mass poverty. Those who promise equal outcomes for all must remain excused from the masses so they can "govern." Look no farther than 90 miles south of Florida. 

   Our Creator directs those who have to help those who need, but his way is a test of godly love and character, not an edict of human government. Paul uses the word "equality" in 2 Corinthians chapter 8, but again - it's about individual willingness, and in those unpredictable days, rolls might be reversed. 

   "Neither heaven nor hell is a place of equals," writes Mike Huckabee in Rare, Medium and Done Well. 

   We will be judged by "the books" to be opened at the end of time. John wrote in Rev. 20:12-13 - among the final warnings, instructions and promises - "I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. ...and each person was judged according to what they had done."  

   No excuses. No defense attorneys.  

   Huckabee says, "Clearly, there are eternal rewards based on the manner in which we lived our lives on earth." More is expected from those who have, and faith leaders will be judged more strictly than those they lead. 

   Politicians and their comrades exercise power as voters permit, but each will be judged by God's law, not man's, as will you and me. This is not about heaven or hell. Destination occurs at death. Final judgment, after the Millennium, will be specific and assign our deserved eternity, in one realm or the other.  


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