Thursday, April 8, 2021

Facts Don't Matter   

   Major League Baseball - and its fans - had a discrimination problem for more than half a century. Dodgers' GM Branch Rickey and infielder Jackie Robinson - both Christians - combined to break down the door in 1947. It was not easy. 

   MLB, like all pro sports, is entertainment. It's not about faith or culture or heaven forbid - politics! It's business, and the businesses that feed off the sport. Pro athletes, men and women - have you seen female wrestlers? - are physically strong and mentally tough. 

   Facts - in sports, statistics and rules - matter.    

   So, MLB caved to political characters who can "win" without playing fair. And there's Delta and Coca-Cola. How do people smart enough to run great enterprises so easily lose perspective?

   We spent 2+ years in business administration, finally concluding we weren't getting a well rounded education. Keep that in mind when big companies or their tycoons make the news. 

   Delta's CEO called complaints about November elections "a lie." President Biden called Georgia's revised voting law "Jim Crow on steroids." Is it? The Washington Post, friend of Democrats, gave Biden's rant four Pinocchios, their worst rating. We seriously doubt he knows as much about Georgia's law as we do, which isn't a lot.    

   The bunch that humbled MLB and the others tried to influence this week's Masters in Augusta. So far as we know, none of the golfers caved. Of course, most all are white or Asian (so they must be racist). Tiger would have played too if he was able. 

   Gov. Kemp noted that "facts don't matter" in politics. If we're not going to be ruled, communist style, Republicans and independents - and someone like Sen. Manchin - need to get it together before next election. 

   Finally, the agents so concerned about black people took some $100 million in spending from Atlanta, 51 percent black, and gave it to Denver, 9 percent black. Stupid? No. They aren't primarily about black equality. They are about totalitarian government, the same prize sought by the devil, one tough minded spirit.    



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