Thursday, April 1, 2021

 April Fools!   

Friday: Meet Mama June      

   Who is being fooled today? 

   Maybe sports fans who never played the game, but know what's wrong with every player or team that displeases them. 

   Maybe commentators, journalists and others who think they know how to solve all government problems. Bloggers? 

   Could be those who aim to get ahead by disabling competitors. Tonya Harding? 

   Certainly, voters who consistently fall for politicians who fool them with falsehoods, inference and assertions. The "politics of personal destruction" continues because it works. Who needs debates? We the people are part of the problem.

   Yours truly formerly was guilty of wishing certain athletes might be sick or injured so that my team would get an edge. Boo! And we admit to thinking all would be well if my political party controlled all the levers of power - permanently. Boo! 

   What honor would the Yankees have if every opponent had more players on the injury list than on the field throughout the season? How talented would any team or athlete be if all competition was subpar, such that rigid training and conditioning were unnecessary? 

   What can we expect when most politicians win elections based not on character and integrity, but on smearing an opponent? 

   As for one party can look now. The Dems are skilled combatants and play for keeps. We may know by November 2022 if their dream is fulfilled. 

   You Democrat voters, before you plan a parade, remember what God says, There is no one righteous, not even one (Psalm 14:3, 53:3, Romans 3:10). People without fear of God, or competition, are bound to serve themselves, not you. And you don't know who follows Biden, and who after that, and...

    If we must have politics to elect our leaders, there must be at least two competitive parties. 




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