Saturday, September 14, 2019

We Can Go to School on This    

   Turn the U.S. over to do-gooders, and watch them sponsor injustice. 

   Oberlin College in northeast Ohio was founded in 1833 by two Presbyterian ministers. Oberlin was the first coed college in the U.S. and the first to admit students of all races. It was active in the abolitionist movement. 

   A few decades ago, idealism turned Left, to ideology.

   In 2016, three black freshmen tried to purchase liquor at Gibson's Bakery. Although the bakery (bigots!) denied their fake ID, one of the young men shop-lifted a bottle of wine. The three (oppressed boys) were arrested. 

   For weeks, protests and boycotts harmed the bakery. Oberlin canceled long-standing catering contracts. Finally, the Gibsons sued.

   The college actually proposed that the bakery allow students one incident of shoplifting before pressing charges. Go ahead and rob a business, but just once. 

   A more rational jury awarded the bakery $44 million, reduced to $25 million.

   Janie B. Cheaney in WORLD magazine writes, "Dedicated to the proposition that all men (and women) are created equal, Oberlin let propositions crush people. The college stood for the oppressed by oppressing (others)." 

    " Seattle and other West Coast cities, ideology about homelessness runs roughshod over citizens wanting clean sidewalks. Ideology about zoning and the environment jacks housing costs out of reach for the middle-class."

   "Ideology about women's 'reproductive rights' silences post-abortive women with guilt, and future women. And ideology about wealth distribution...has led to the murder of millions who had no wealth or vote."

   "Christ offers himself, not ideology," she says. He meets the oppressors and the oppressed one by one, and freely forgives those who repent and obey. 



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