Friday, September 20, 2019

Up From Poverty    

   Good news from the Census Bureau and the American Enterprise Institute:

   The U.S. has the lowest poverty rate since 2001. 

   The slight drop brings the poverty rate below its 2007 number, evidence of recovery from the Great Recession.

   Full time work and wages are on the rise. Amazon is looking for 30,000 new workers, from software engineers to warehouse staff.

   Full-time, year-around workers increased by 2.3 million in 2018.

   Median earnings for women increased.

   The percentage of poor families led by single mothers dropped to the lowest on record. The poverty rate for families headed by married couples remains almost five times lower. 

   Median income for family households and non-family households increased. 

   * Fewer Americans had health insurance. Factors include a decrease in Medicaid coverage, changes to the Affordable Care Act, and people moving into higher paying jobs no longer qualified for Medicaid. 

Our Recall Trick 
     With each passing year we have more difficulty recalling names. We developed a way to remedy that...find the door that opens the room.  

   For example, yesterday we couldn't remember the name of a frequent personality on morning TV. So we went through the alphabet, A, B, C etc. When we arrived at P - Pete no longer could hide. 

   Fortunately, when we need to recall our own name, we only have to go as far as the letter J.


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