Saturday, September 21, 2019

If God Would Listen to Me     
Suppose His Majesty granted me one request before the throne. Awesome! 

I might ask, Lord, why don't you turn the jihadists into stone, like you did Lot's wife? Make the world safe for the rest of us. 

   You mean, a world safe for guerrilla forces? he might ask.

Oh, no. Them too. And how about dictators and their secret police?

   You mean, safe for human traffickers? 

Ah...them also. And drug dealers.  

   You mean, safe for pornography specialists? 

Yes, I mean, no! Turn them to stone, oh, and wife beaters. 

   You mean, safe for other violent people? 

Lord, they don't belong, and I would add, those who push opioids. 

   You mean, safe for dishonest politicians? 

Now there's a thought. Sir, just turn to stone all cheaters.   

   You mean, safe for liars? 

No, no. Them as well. Remove the worst sinners, and we'll be happy.

   You mean, a world safe for lesser sinners? 

O Lord...I guess, justice where justice is required.

   Very well, then. But there will be no one left alive, including you. 

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