Sunday, September 29, 2019

   The Flow of God's Favor  

Between 430-420 B.C. the prophet Malachi
wrote what we know as the final book in the Old Testament.
This was a time when God's people, mostly those born during 
the Babylonian exile, had relocated to the promised land. 
And like their elders before them, in spiritual decline. 

Following is a paragraph in our study Bible
regarding Malachi's "purpose" in writing.

"The people had become cynical, doubting God's love and promises, questioning his justice and disbelieving there was any profit in obeying his commands. As their faith dimmed, they became mechanical and insensitive in their worship, indifferent to the law's requirements and guilty of sins against the covenant. Malachi confronted both the priests and the people with the prophetic summons...

1. to repent of their sins and religious hypocrisy 

2. to remove the obstacles of disobedience that were blocking the flow of God's favor and blessing

3. to return to the Lord and his covenant with sincere and obedient hearts."

If any of this sounds familiar,
Malachi records what God desires.

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