Monday, September 23, 2019

Two Varieties of Snowbirds    

   Under a proposed Canadian Snowbirds Act, drafted by senators Rubio and Scott, some seasonal Canadians may extend their stay in Florida from six to eight months. They must be older than 50. 

   Those who stay longer will be considered U.S. residents for tax purposes and must pay U.S. federal taxes on income, regardless of the country where they earn it. The bill bans visitors from working for American employers.

About V Formations
   Section 2 in the senators' bill pertains to visitors with bills, Canada Geese. Florida officials spread grain, berries and grass along well traveled routes, especially near fresh water. Migration begins in August, the geese traveling as much as 1,500 miles in 24 hours. 

   In this section, subhead Wild Goose Chase, geese must be older than 10 years to be eligible for extended stay, and have a wingspan over 50 inches to get work permits.

   Geese provide profitable material for extreme weather outerwear - jackets, parkas and accessories, which means tax revenue. Some geese may choose to work in bird sanctuaries, carnivals and zoos. They will be considered U.S. residents for tax purposes.   

   Snowbirds with bills are banned from jobs held by native snowy egrets, bobolinks, mangrove cuckoos, sandhill cranes, turkey vultures, wood storks or ospreys. 



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