Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gone with the Wind     
   Part 1 of 4  
Based on a report by 
Jamie Dean, WORLD news group

   Two years ago this week, we hurriedly packed our bags and important papers and headed north (with "billions" of other evacuees). Over the years, we thought we would go - if necessary - two or three days before a hurricane. But Cat 1 Irma drifted our way in the last hours, following us all the way to Fayetteville, Georgia. 

   Turns out, all homes in our neighborhood were undamaged. 

   For a million Big Macs and a trip to the moon:
Were we inconvenienced because of global warming, 
or just another hurricane? What's your answer? 

tic tock  tic tock  tic tock 

   We are skeptical that climate change is causing storms. Therefore, your humble blogger is - drum roll - a murderer! Any of us unsure or unwilling to take drastic measures to combat climate change is guilty of murder. Case closed! 

   A journalist wrote, "Climate change denial should be a crime." Government officials skeptical of global warming's effects should be charged with "gross negligence."     

   Irma and Harvey, three scientists wrote, "should kill (they love that word) any doubt that climate change is real." Even Pope Francis warned, "If we do not turn back, we will go down." 

   To hell? Or just to economic ruin? 

   Not all scientists would answer our opening question the same. Officials at NOAA wrote, "It is premature to conclude that human activities - particularly greenhouse gas emissions - have had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity." 

Tomorrow: What are the facts? 

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