Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Waffles and Other Waffles     
   For dinner the other night, we made waffles...some to eat, others to freeze for future consumption. You might agree that waffles and pancakes are close cousins. 

   One is heated on a waffle iron; the other is flipped and flopped on a skillet or cook top.

   Now, consider the verb waffle. You know, when we take a stand, only to waffle and do whatever seems right in our own eyes. 

   Here is an open question: Are Christians going to impact the culture, or is culture going to impact Christians? This was posed by a chaplain of The Gideons International. 

   Have you heard the bad news? There's an enemy angel in the underworld, working day and night to convince us to waffle. Or flip and flop like a pancake. 

   Smart angel. He doesn't just offer a contrary menu. For us the "believers," he messes with the recipe ... more of this ingredient, less of that. It only looks right, especially to the unguarded heart and mind.  

   It's called deception, and people are eating it up.

   The Bible is true, but do we know the Word and live by it? Do we equivocate? (That's a fancy word for waffling.) 

   We can follow the way, the truth and the life. Or, we can follow the desires of the flesh and of the eyes and the pride of life...the world's inclination.  Genesis 6:5

   Opposing evil with our natural talents leaves us half baked. The Life that overcomes the world requires submission and obedience to the Spirit, sent by Jesus to expand the work He began, so others can overcome. We are Spirit-led, or we settle for contaminated food.

   (We're pretty sure the endless lake of fire is even hotter than a waffle iron.) 
Not that I have already obtained all this...    Phil. 3:12


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