Monday, September 2, 2019

This is Scary       

In addition to Dorian:

   The mystic lady running for president says, "The part of the brain that rationally analyzes an issue is not the part of the brain that decides who to vote for." Scary.

   Some 27 percent of millennials have no close friends. (Thought social media was supposed to connect everyone.)  

   Our government is borrowing about $1.23 trillion in 2019, twice what it borrowed in 2017. Scary.

   Medicare-for-all would cost around $32.6 trillion over 10 years, and far left leaders might eliminate private health insurance to boot.

   While North Korea and Iran test missiles, the United Nations sleeps on.

   If you hate Trump, you will think this is scary. He has appointed 146 judges to federal courts, about 17 percent of the federal judiciary.

   One reason college tuition is a nightmare: 179 college presidents make more than the U.S. president. 17 make more than $1 million. 

Comey Baloney 
   One can avoid consequences if there is "no evidence he knew and intended to violate laws on handling confidential information." The FBI's top gun didn't know the rules? Scary. 

   He initiated the Mueller investigation, costing more than $30 million and wasting two years, all without merit. "Sanctimonious," they call him.

Words on a T-Shirt

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