Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Communist Capitalism?    
   If you ever wonder which is best, communism/socialism or capitalism, this should clear it up once and for all. 

   Fact: Socialism focuses on redistribution of wealth; capitalism is mostly concerned with how to produce it. Now, the clarity:   

   While admitting China is authoritarian, cantankerous Sen. Bernie Sanders says approvingly, "...they have made more progress (get it?) in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization."  

   In 1981, 88 percent of Chinese lived on less than $1.90 a day (adjusted for purchasing power, World Bank). Today, less than 1 percent do. Wow! 

   Here's the catch: In 1980, authoritarian China began its experiment in capitalism! Name an economic-socialist country that sends fleets of cargo ships our way, and competes with us over trade. Never mind their cheating hearts. 

   Okay, the shared poverty and slaughter of millions of "class enemies" during the Mao years gave way to capitalistic inequality. Horrors! About the year 2000, Forbes found one billionaire in China. Today, there are more than 300, with more achieving at a faster pace than the U.S. 
Let's collect our thoughts.
Sanders praises a "socialist" country that
has lifted many millions out of poverty,
while he avoids the secret word "capitalism"
and fails to complain of inequality
...in China.
    The senator wants our vote for a "political revolution" and a "wholesale transformation of our society" from capitalism to socialism - the reverse of what China did 40 years ago...though he uses China as an example to follow. Duh! "We must not tolerate the greed of Wall Street, corporate America and the billionaire class," the wealthy senator growls. 

Joshua Muravchik, Wall Street Journal 

   I say, Sanders is not as uninformed as this sounds. He must be part of a crowd - in-country and around the globe, that wants to bring America down in favor of  one-world government. That too, is foolishness. When there is only one government, China says, they will be it.  




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