Monday, April 1, 2019

Why Socialism?     

   Despite socialism's lousy track record, some American politicians think they might get elected by identifying with failed economic policy. Others, running on the free-market side, could see defeat.

   Joel Belz, WORLD magazine, thinks our Creator, who knows what is beautiful and proper, approves of voluntary and lawful agreements to exchange items of value - in good will - to the advantage of both parties. In any case, free enterprise works.

   Belz also notes that abuse sullies the case for capitalism. That doesn't mean the system is all wrong, just as abuse doesn't mean God's design for sexuality is wrong.

   The free market is clouded, he says, with "greed, laziness, impatience, pride and failure to love others." The U.S. is no longer a pure example of a free market economy at work.

   Many restraints have been laid on it by government. If we had been doing business as God intended, with more truth and justice, young voters might be far less attracted to an alternative.

   If imposed on us, American "Christians should be prepared to live under any kind of economic or political system," Belz writes. 

   But that's a different argument. 


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