Sunday, April 14, 2019

   Abundance of Life   
Central promises in the Bible include: 
forgiveness, life after death and God's presence. 

He made this last promise to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah,
Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Amos, Mary, Paul and others.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil, for you are with me... 
Psalm 23

Jesus was given to us as Immanuel, (God with us).

Jacob, a man without merit, found God in an ordinary place, Bethel.
We too can experience God in ordinary places.

Jacob's ladder was not for humans to climb - as the song is written.
It is a symbol of God coming down to us.

He is available to you and me anywhere, at any moment.

Spiritual growth is: increasing our capacity to experience the 
presence of God.


   God Is Closer Than You Think
             by John Ortberg

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