Monday, April 29, 2019

Going to Pot?     
   Just what the world needs - more people losing contact with reality. 
More delusions ... hallucinations.

   This isn't about marijuana for medical purposes - pro or con. 
It's those "recreational" users who experience psychosis.

   A new study of 901 patients in 10 European cities and one city in Brazil, along with 1,237 control subjects, finds that daily use of high-potency marijuana increases the likelihood of psychotic disorder. 

   Those who used cannabis every day were three times more likely to have an episode of psychosis. This increased to five times for those using high-potency cannabis every day. 

   THC is the psychoactive ingredient. In Amsterdam with its cannabis cafes, the odds of daily users having psychosis was nine times greater in the study.

Two thoughts

1. We assume those regularly getting high on alcohol, pot and other drugs aren't contented with their lives. And they've never experienced the peace and joy of knowing the Lord.

2. Millions (billions?) in the last years of the great tribulation will suffer plagues, yet refuse to repent and glorify God - and be healed. Revelation 16-18. They will be deceived, and we guess that many or all will be too high..."the maddening wine" of Babylon's recognize reality. 


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