Thursday, April 4, 2019

Naming the Culprits    
      Part II of Cell Phone Crisis   

   Researchers theorize that an increase in social media and gaming are the culprits in anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts among people age 25 and under. 

   Those who spend more time on social media and less time with others report feeling more depressed.

   General internet use goes with depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts and behavior. 

   Sleep deprivation is tied to technology use. Insomnia is on the rise.

   Time spent on portable electronic devices, especially in the evening, leads to poor sleep quality. Lack of sleep in turn contributes to depressive symptoms.

   Another study released in March found that the amount of time teens spend face-to-face with friends is the lowest since the 1970s. They go to fewer hangouts, fewer parties, on fewer dates, and spend less time shopping or going to the movies. 

   But not because they are busy. They hold fewer jobs and don't spend much more time in extracurricular activities. 

   What are they doing? They're on their cell phones. 

   Teens are lonelier today than in 1977. Text messages, Snapchat and Instagram "likes" are not making up for human association. 

   A WORLD online contributor writes, "Although technology promises instant connection to other people, God created us for community, and science is finding that digital community is not an equal substitute."  



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