Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Happily Trapped in Ruts     
   Several days of severe winter in my hometown, Main Street in 1943 essentially was unforgiving ruts in thick ice. Drivers went where the ruts took them.

   Greetings, fellow American travelers. We are cruising in (welcome) ruts without an off ramp. 

   Medicare will be insolvent by more years. So, why are Democratic candidates touting "Medicare for all?" 

   Medicare's rut leads to hospitals, nursing homes and other medical providers receiving even less than their negotiated fees, which are low already. 

   Social Security recipients after 2035 will receive cuts in benefits, especially worrisome for those without pensions or other sources of cash. 

   Congress must act, both sides agree, or both programs will need to be trimmed...and taxes raised. But Congress will never act (until there is no choice), because corrective action leads to political suicide. Can't have that! 

   Social Security disability will be solvent until 2052, government says.  

   Social Security, our largest federal program, cost $853 billion last year. Medicare costs were about $740 billion. These two programs count for 45 percent of the budget, not including interest payments on national debt. Social Security disability payments were $147 billion. Add it up.  

   Is this what Jefferson & company had in mind? 

   We are going broke on promises to citizens (voters), not to mention other government priorities. We the people welcome these ruts, which definitely help seniors, and who cares what future taxes and other remedies may be in store for children and grandchildren?   

   A "trust fund" invested in markets, even with recessions, would far exceed the value of today's budget item. 


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