Saturday, April 6, 2019

Yes or No     
The Human Body     
   Spirit or matter? Many on earth might say, matter is all that matters.

   The Spirit, Creator, by his will built the material universe...light, darkness, water, material, lights in the sky, creatures...all that we know about. 

   Then He took some matter aside and formed a man in his image, to rule over the earth He created. He breathed special life into Adam, uniting biological life with soul, the immaterial that sets the material apart.*

   Ancient philosophers considered the human body to be of little purpose.

   Contemporary intellectuals conclude the soul does not exist, and the body is an accident. Therefore, they also despise the body.

   Some of us average types don't think much of the body either, abusing it with alcohol or drugs, tobacco or poor diets. We avoid exercise and routinely take chances on the highways. 

   Some of us, not satisfied with the looks our Creator gave us, present ourselves with tattoos or makeup. (It's not a sin.) 😏 Credit, or blame the person who invented the mirror.

   When God created Adam, He knew that one day He himself, in Christ, would occupy a similar body - by the way, with no beauty or majesty to attract us. (Isaiah 53:2) 

   Then He allowed himself to be tortured beyond recognition, even to death, all to redeem us. There is no greater love, Jesus himself had said. 

   On the third day, resurrected and glorified, He showed us the eternal body of our future, if we will stop listening to the world and heed the Lord and King. 
   * Janie B. Cheaney, WORLD magazine




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