Friday, April 5, 2019

Explain This, Evolutionists    

   While Chinese authorities oppose God or whatever challenges their national (world?) sovereignty, another discovery that defies evolution occurred under their noses, in South China.

   A study published in Science last week describes 101 animal species preserved in detail, dating to the Cambrian Explosion. The find includes soft tissue like gills, muscles, digestive systems, appendages and eyes. Some 53 percent of the species were previously unknown.

   Paleontologists say mudflows quickly swallowed the animals and buried them in fine-grain soil. As sediment "cemented" around the tiny bodies, it locked out microbes and halted the process of decay, said the co-author.

   The Cambrian Explosion refers to the appearance of a huge diversity of complex animals in a relatively short period of time.

   Evolutionists can offer no explanations for how these complex animals showed up so abruptly in the fossil record, say Discovery Institute's experts. 

   The newly discovered fossils could exist in detail with soft tissue only if their burial occurred very rapidly, as during the global flood described in Genesis, said a scientist with Answers in Genesis. 
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