Sunday, April 7, 2019

When God Seems Absent     

   Where is God when we are suffering? 

   Long ago, Satan challenged God, asserting that Job loved the Lord only because of his many blessings. Satan gets permission to harm Job, who shortly loses every possession and blessing - including his sons and daughters - except for his wife.

   At first, he responds, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Then to his wife who told him to curse God and die, "Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?"

   Then as dreary days come and go, Job begins to complain - big time - to his three friends. He doesn't understand why God doesn't explain himself, or do something...anything.

After God Speaks     

   When the griping had run its course, God addressed Job. He doesn't mention his conversation with Satan. He just lists dozens of reasons Job has to be in awe of God's creativity and power. 

   Humbled, yet thrilled that God knows and God cares, Job responds, "My ears have heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you." That's enough. 

   In ancient times, it was all about the men, and the sons. After Job experienced the presence of God, he was a changed man.

   The Lord restored Job's life, and gave him seven sons and three daughters. Acquainted with Genesis, we would expect the writer to name the sons. No.

   Only the daughters. The Hebrew names mean "dove," cinnamon" and "horn of eye-shadow." Makeup? 

   Experiencing the Lord. It can be almost hilarious! Joyful. New life.    


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