Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Cell Phone Mishap   
   Sunday evening in Georgia, on our way home from a visit with Mrs. Donut's relatives, we went to a fast-food place for a bite. It was dark and lightly raining.

   Returning to the car, I noticed a wet cell-phone case on the dimly-lit pavement, phone inside. Oops! It was mine.

   This Samsung is fairly new; I have many months yet to pay on it. 

   If I had chosen to enter the other side of their car..... If someone had parked in that space, hiding the case from view...same result. Who knows when I would have noticed it missing?

   This case has a belt clip, not a loop through which to pass my belt. It's been a problem all along, and Sunday night, a near loss.

   Yes, the phone was wet, but it works.

Cell Phone Crisis    
     A study of 600,000 people found that teens and young adults face an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Psychologists think the effects of screens are to blame.

   Rates of depression, distress, suicidal thoughts and deaths all have increased over a decade, primarily among those 25 and under, and especially among girls.

   Over several years, major depression and distress more than doubled among 20 to 21-year-olds; by 69 percent among 16 to 17-year-olds, and by 71 percent among 18 to 25-year-olds. Twice as many 22 to 23-year olds attempted suicide in 2017 compared to 2008. 

   Several possible causes were ruled out: the economy, drug and alcohol abuse, academic pressure, and the opioid crisis (which largely affects people over 25).

   See Views tomorrow for more findings and theories of researchers.
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