Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Never Enough for Pols      
   We have a gigantic national debt, huge financial needs, and citizens wanting free healthcare, education and livable wages, if they want to work at all. 

   So, what's wrong with raising taxes on millionaires and (immoral) billionaires? No more loopholes. They won't miss it. 

   Tempting as it is to play Robin Hood, here's what to remember. 

   Every two years House members need to appeal to voters. Every six years, senators must do the same.

   Suppose leftist politicians in 2020 gain enough control to confiscate every penny of income over $10 million. Sounds like a winner to envious voters. 

   Will 2022 candidates on the left be satisfied with that? Never! They'll need to sway voters with more taking and redistributing, election after election, or risk losing their coveted status. Meanwhile, they - left and right - won't touch entitlements, for the same reason. 

   Election 2024 - we know you. 2026...2028...2030...Get the picture?

   Where will it end? In socialist mediocrity, at best. 

   There are wealthy people who open foundations and otherwise act in benevolent ways. We wish they all did likewise. 

   God of the Bible encourages those with more to do more for others...voluntarily. 

   But even if the hundreds of extremely wealthy gave most of it away, voluntarily or in taxes, there wouldn't be enough to satisfy the wants of 330 million people.  

   Remember Winston Churchill: "Democracy is the worst system in the world, except for all the others." 



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