Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Seeing the Unseen     
   Who would have guessed? Astronomers know less about the makeup of the universe than they "knew" two decades ago. 

   Scientists knew the universe was expanding. They believed expansion had to slow down, because matter has gravity, and gravity pulls things together.

   In 1998, with the Hubble Telescope, they observed that the universe was expanding faster, not slower, writes Marvin Olasky in WORLD magazine. No one knows why, but something unseen has to be present.  

   Scientists named the mysteries "dark energy" and "dark matter." To explain what they can see, they now guess that dark energy makes up 68 percent of the universe, and dark matter, 27 percent. That's 95 percent!  

Seeing the Prince of Darkness    

   Is Satan real? Are demons beyond our ability to confirm their existence? 

   Consider: Tens of millions killed in China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Syria and Yemen, to name some of the darkest places. Millions were killed in wars started by Germany and Japan. 

   What keeps the failed regime in Venezuela in power - supported by Cuba, China and Russia, if not spiritual darkness? Why do most of the "united" nations oppose Israel? 

   In a county near us, the sheriff arrested 12 people for child porn, involving more than 600 children as young as 1 year. And there is little way of knowing who the kids are. In one county! 

   In a book we're reading, "Evil is an unfortunate but necessary element in God's world. How beautiful grace is, and how God's grace redeems so much darkness and what was so ugly can be made beautiful." Patience required.  



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