Political liberals and conservatives - like everything - manage to see God differently.
Aside from when the Son took on human likeness, God is Spirit. Researchers in North Carolina asked 551 Christians what they think God looks like.
Their composite has God being white, young and clean cut, with a vague, Mona Lisa smile. All Christians in the survey came with a bias.
Liberals imagined God as "more feminine, younger and more loving." Conservatives had in mind a God who is "more powerful."
The project's lead author said, "These biases might stem from the type of societies that liberals and conservatives want. Conservatives are more motivated in a well-ordered society, one that would be best regulated by a powerful God."
"Liberals are more motivated to live in a tolerant society, which would be better regulated by a loving God."
Here at Views headquarters - our only research involves the Bible - we have no opinion on God's looks. What we do know from Isaiah 53:2 is that the Redeemer came without handsome features; we also know those features were unrecognizable after Roman soldiers were done beating him.
Artists depictions are meaningless.
We like the fact that Jesus didn't grow up looking like Hollywood's leading man. He came seeking character, godliness and obedience, and mainly to die for us, not that we would follow his good looks. If anything, He identified with the least among us.
To liberals and conservatives alike: God has both compassionate
and authoritative attributes. He is both loving and powerful.
He is both tolerant - thankfully - and ultimately intolerant.
(See Friday's blog.)
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