Saturday, July 28, 2018

Outlook for Trump 

Conclusion from George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures:

How can Trump advance? He doesn't have enough votes in Congress. If he gives something, his base is going to revolt. His best bet is to hold his base together and hope lightning strikes. 

What's the role of his incendiary tweets? They strengthen his base ... because newspapers attack him. Newspapers and Trump are in a symbiotic relationship. Trump needs The New York Times and The Washington Post. He needs them to be unreasonably hostile. They need him because their circulation was way down. Now their newspapers are Trump all the time. They have saved each other. 

Symbiosis? He helps The New York Times solidify its control of a very important group. The votes for Hillary came from the Boston-Washington corridor and the West Coast. The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and The New York Times need him to do things so they can write another story. 

If he went silent, The New York Times would just be another newspaper instead of the spokesman for the Northeast. 

The attacks on Trump? If he didn't tweet, he'd be attacked for the kind of press conference he held. If he didn't hold a press conference, he'd still be attacked.

He's in a business he's never been in, and the knives were out for him the moment he went to Washington. He gave them ammunition because that held his support together. What is a tweet but a press release that's shortened? It is refreshing to hear directly from the president, not filtered through newspapers. He doesn't know how to hedge.

Marvin Olasky, WORLD magazine
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