Thursday, July 19, 2018

   Bees Understand   
  the concept of  

   Scientists know that bees can count. Now they've discovered that bees understand the absence of things - nothing or zero.
Insect brains are more complex, capable of learning and calculating than they ever imagined. 

In Australia, researchers first trained bees to land on a visual display with shapes - like squares and circles - for a reward. Second, they trained others to land on a display with fewer shapes. 

Then they introduced a blank display. Bees of the first group ignored the empty card, but those in the second group chose the empty card for rewards. 

   Scientists draw from that - bees understand that zero is a number lower than one.

   A researcher in London says that bees show comparable ability to primates on the tasks set before them. He trained bees to put a ball in a hole, and showed that they can learn from each other to pull a string for a reward. 


Thai Boys Learned Lessons 
   Now that they are out of the hospital, Thai cave survivors are sharing their lessons. Some promised to apologize to their parents, those who had no idea the soccer team went on a cave adventure. 

   The Christian boy among them called their rescue "a miracle," adding that the experience taught him "not to live life carelessly." Another boy said, "I feel stronger. I have more patience, endurance, tolerance." 

   Four of the boys say they would like to become navy SEALS. Doctors told reporters they lost an average of 9 pounds, regaining about 6.6 pounds in the hospital. 

New York Times

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