Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Learning From Chameleons    

   Three years ago, biological researchers discovered how chameleons rapidly make color changes in their skin during social interactions. The process known as active camouflage provided inspiration.

   These reptiles have light-reflecting nanocrystals in their skin that rearrange to reflect different spectrums of light. When the nanocrystals move, the chameleon's normally soft skin stiffens. 

   Researchers learned how to make synthetic material that can change color and stiffen when stretched. They believe their discovery will help produce active camouflage materials and lead to improved biological implants that can better mimic the properties of living tissue. 

Nature Communications
Lightning Safety

   If you hear thunder, you are at risk and should seek shelter in a building or vehicle. Lightning often strikes outside the area of heavy rain, as far as 10 miles from any rainfall. Many lightning deaths occur before or after the storm.

   Stay in shelter for at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.

   Avoid open areas and bodies of water. Don't be the tallest object in the area. Stay away from isolated tall trees, towers or utility poles.

   Avoid metal conductors such as wires of fences. Lightning can travel long distances through metal. 

   If in a group, spread out to prevent multiple casualties. 

National Weather Service

    Not taking this seriously? Several years ago, a Tampa area professor who specialized in the study of lightning was struck and killed. He was walking along a street with no storm anywhere near.


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