Wednesday, July 11, 2018

   Did You Ever?   

   Did you ever see so many adults acting like someone just stole their favorite teddy bear? 

   Before the president's choice for justice was known, women by the Supreme Court building were screaming - screaming - how horrible this candidate is. U.S. senators, supposedly the adults in Congress, are demanding we know that every right known to man and womankind will be destroyed. The president has done the bidding of the devil. 

   Rise up, peasants! Take the castle. Or the world as we know it will cease to exist. Yes, it's about that bad. (What they really fear is that their grip on Washington will slip even further.) 

   Here at Views, we believe in free speech, even if the same speech - Roe vs. Wade - comes up every time a Republican president nominates a justice. We'll fret when more than half the voters buy what the Left is selling to people who don't think. 

   Amazing isn't it, what people will do and say to keep their power? Even Senate Democrats who might buck their party will do so mostly to keep their jobs in "red" states. Maybe that's democracy. Like him or not, Trump is winning, and the opposition is having a tantrum. This is one Republican (so called) they can't manipulate. 

   Gary Abernathy, owner and publisher of a paper in Hillsboro, Ohio, has an interesting view on the abortion scare. He finds it "illogical" that we celebrate advancements that save lives in the womb, while arbitrary choice ends them. Life begins at conception. Period!  

   Abernathy is pro-life, but he doesn't worry much about the law. He sees it "much like the failed effort to enforce prohibition. The problem is not the legality, it's that there is a demand for it." 

   "If we believe every unborn child is a gift from God, we should ... convince more people of its merit," he says. "Even if Roe is overturned, abortion will still be in demand, because hearts haven't been changed." 


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