Monday, July 23, 2018

Shedding Light on Dark Matter     

   Astronomers are flabbergasted after finding a galaxy that appears to have no dark matter. 
      For more than 30 years, they have believed a theory that dark matter (unseen and non reflective) explains how galaxies hold together. Dark matter, they assume, accounts for behavior influenced by far more gravitational pull than their visible mass would exert. They have estimated that dark matter accounts for 90 percent of total matter in the universe.

   Scientists assign dark matter a large role in the Big Bang theory, which requires an old universe.

   But some physicists didn't agree, and developed their own theory, tweaking Newton's law of gravity a bit to account for the behavior of galaxies. An astronomer with Answers in Genesis believes in recent creation, and says dark matter can exist despite the inaccuracy of the Big Bang theory. He doesn't accept the modified Newtonian theory, because it must hold true in every case or it isn't true at all. 

   If dark matter exists, he says, a whole form of matter that we know nothing about accounts for most of the mass of the universe. "As a creationist, I find that fascinating and exciting and humbling...because God apparently has made the universe out of 90 percent of something we haven't even contemplated." 

   Think about that when you turn out your lights tonight! 

WORLD magazine online




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