Thursday, July 5, 2018

Nine Steps to Disarm NK   

   A New York Times feature says this is the most challenging case of nuclear disarmament in history. Estimates of North Korea's count of nuclear weapons range from 20 to 60. 

   About the size of Pennsylvania, the North has 141 nuke sites. One of them alone has 663 buildings, as seen from satellites. 

   Experts say disarmament will take a few years to a decade or more, long after President Trump leaves office. Will the next president follow up? 

   Necessary steps include:
* Dismantle and remove nuclear weapons
* Stop uranium enrichment
* Disable reactors
  * Close test sites
  * Stop fuel production
  * Inspect indefinitely
    * Destroy germ weapons
    * Destroy chemical weapons
    * Stop missile program

   Views has another idea, a positive approach that would appeal to the majority of the North's 23 million people:
* Subsidies for every farmer and rural family producing food
* McDonald's in every community
* Shopping mall in every community
  * Gambling casino in every community
  * National lottery and TV soap operas 
  * Job Corps, similar to 1930's New Deal
    * Disney World - Pyongyang 
    * IRAs for every adult, linked to stock market
    * Resorts on every beach, river, lake and ski slope

   Who would care about nukes in a paradise like that?

                                (not really)

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