Tuesday, June 26, 2018

We Are Next      
   People with money and/or power attract dupes to carry out their wishes. That must be in Proverbs somewhere. Or, was it Aristotle?

   Whatever. It's world history, and close to home, as African-Americans know better than most of us. 

   The list of nations/empires trampling on, or exterminating the unwanted also includes the Romans, British, Alexander's Greece, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, militaristic Japan, Cuba, Egypt, South Africa, Red China, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, North Korea ... probably everyone at one time or another.

   Hello, conservative Americans. We're next.

   Political opponents lose homes and freedom. Faith-based bakers and florists face possible bankruptcy. Landowners with a pond - a "wetland" - can be fined tens of thousands per day. 

   Dupes assault political rallies. A restaurant owner evicts a woman who works for the president and may have supported a policy regarding gays in the military. 

   A cabinet secretary dining out is subjected to accusatory shout downs, then again later outside her home. A female, state attorney general, attending a documentary about mild-mannered Mr. Rogers, is surrounded by a mob yelling inches from her face. They shout obscenities before and after the movie, trying to goad her boyfriend into initiating violence. She vows not to be bullied.

   A columnist calls President Trump "reprehensible" for following existing law at the border, "ripping children from their mothers' arms." He probably, and so many others have no problem with ripping the unborn from mothers' wombs. 

   Was it only a year ago that a dupe tried to gun down Republican congressmen on a ball field? Rep. Maxine Waters is likely to induce another such incident. 

   Progressives have their viewpoints. But, their vulgarity and viciousness disqualifies them from the debate, in our opinion. Divisive, snarky remarks from the Right solve nothing either. 

   We have no issue with ordinary Democratic voters, who think they're doing right. Want to know what America will look like if those corrupting the party get their way? 

   See California, a one-party sanctuary for the wishes of its powerful. 


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