Thursday, June 7, 2018

Let's Get This Straight    

   When your house is ablaze and a certain fireman is your only hope, would you wave him off if you didn't like his looks or his language?

   When Gen. McClellan and others led cautiously for three stalemated years, why did President Lincoln replace them with U.S. Grant, an officer accused of drunkenness? "Because he fights," Lincoln answered. 

   Grant had an "iron will." His aggressive strategy cost some 150,000 Union lives, but it brought an end to a bitter "civil" war. Historians now consider Grant a "military genius." 

   Thanks to a Views reader/friend of Mrs. Donut, we have comments by author and speaker Karen Vaughn, whose son was among Navy Seals killed in 2011 when their chopper was shot down in Afghanistan. 

   Titled Salty Sailor, Vaughn's remarks make clear she does not worship President Trump, nor hope to emulate him. "He's not like us, and we're not like him," Vaughn says. 

   "God may not admire him," she adds, but maybe Trump "is needed for a time like this." 

   We're happy to see someone express what we've been thinking.

   Trump "acts with heart rather than calculated and scripted," Vaughn said. Despite unprecedented political adversity, he takes on problem after problem that conventional leaders have failed to solve, or sometimes even try.

   She thinks his election gives America one more chance to restore itself, while providing hope for world peace.

   Yesterday, the country recalled D-Day, June 6, 1944, when resolute Allied forces launched the great, but bloody, invasion at Normandy. 

   Few mothers would have their sons adopting the language of outspoken Gen. George Patton. Following D-Day, during the Army's drive across France into Nazi Germany, Patton was the only Allied general who worried the German high command. 

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