Tuesday, June 5, 2018

But My Word     
Two Voices; One Choice       

   So God created man in his own image... male and female 
he created them (Gen. 1:27). That was the easy part.

   Some 3300 years later, Isaiah testified before God: We are all the work of your hand (64:8).

   Communicating with men made from dust - from true realm to finite realm - while allowing them choice, and giving Lucifer access ... that should be interesting.

   We don't know if the devil expected company - inferior beings at that - but he must have welcomed this opportunity to deceive God's lesser creatures. Humans, he must have known, would follow their own desires, unwittingly serving him. 

   The first man and woman may have been very intelligent, but not wise. As yet, there was no mental illness, nor diseases of the body. Among other wonders, God provided trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.

   Now comes the real beginning - of communications and covenants:

   God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful...    I give you every...
They will be yours...   I give every...  But, to the man he said, You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.    

   Then God waited. The devil's choice that day was to appear materially as a (friendly) serpent and counselor. He deceived. First the woman and then the man ate themselves out of paradise.  

   It had been very good, until God cursed the ground. 

   After He exiled Adam and the woman, He provided a measure of grace and mercy. 
He also had a plan.

   Almighty God determined that He would come to us as one of us, letting cruel men nail him to a dreaded cross. As the world calculates, it would be 4,000 years from Adam's fall until Redemption came. For God, it was no time at all. 

Friday: Words for Cain, Enoch and Noah


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