Monday, June 4, 2018

But My Word    

   The Eternal Almighty - He is three in one - exists in his own realm. Whatever the realm is, it is not physics and chemistry, and it does not decay.

   The Almighty has many attributes. In his realm He is best described as Spirit. He wants to love and be loved. He can be pleased, and He can be angered.

   For his own purposes, He created thousands of beings - called angels - with characteristics of the realm. They cannot die. While angels were created to serve the Almighty, He permitted them choice. 

   They can please him. Or anger him - once. Being in his presence, they were expected to know better, and be perfect. 

   Then the Almighty created a material realm with billions of suns, planets and mysterious other chemistry, none of it eternal. The Almighty created a special planet called earth, with a particular moon and a life-supporting sun of a particular size and distance. And He made water.

   Back in the eternal realm, the most special angel, Lucifer, sought worship for himself. There are no second chances. One third of the angels were exiled to earth, while retaining their other-realm characteristics. Odd.

   When his earth was ready, the Almighty created new, living beings, called man, "a little lower than the angels." Inferior man was to take care of the earth, believe, trust and obey his unseen Maker, and all this while superior, angry, hateful, unseen angels - now called demons - opposed every truth with lies and deception.

Wednesday: Let the communications begin

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