Thursday, June 21, 2018

Can We Long Endure?    

   Anyone seen A. Lincoln lately? We could use a little help here on this continent.

   First, know that we're not a fan of either political party. A dozen or so Republicans are fighting for "truth, justice and the American way," but who knows the minds of the others? 

   This week, Newt Gingrich casually mentioned that "we almost lost the country" in the 2016 election. Perish the thought, that Lincoln's "government of the people" might perish. We must "highly resolve" to save it, he said at Gettysburg. 

   Democrats had hardly finished gloating that the IG report found no political bias in the "matter" of Hillary Clinton's secret email scheme, when - oops - FBI management began to implode. The IG told Congress that he is investigating bias in the establishment of Robert Mueller's "Russian collusion" team. 

   We already know about two FBI officials who were fired. Others have quit. Peter Strzok, the initial action figure in both these investigations, was ushered out of the building. Six top investigators had been placed on both teams. Coincidence? 

   Congress still battles the reluctant DOJ, an island unto itself, to get names and records. 

   Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein, a Republican, partly owes his career to Mueller, his first boss in government. He signed one of the warrants, falsehoods Democrats used to continue snooping on the Trump campaign. 

   What if we found that Mrs. Clinton herself wasn't the real reason the FBI cleared her of possible felonies? Peal the onion; find President Obama. He called the shots. He backed Hillary to run rather than Joe Biden, who may or may not have been in mourning by 2016. 

   The president and her used fake names to correspond over the insecure email system about 13 times. She never seemed worried in the least about being held accountable.

   We'll return Saturday with our take on the war against truth and justice. For the Resistance, our current president is Public Enemy No. 1.   




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