Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Charlie Brown Goes to Washington      

   Here at Views By the Sea, we're planning to expand into a new enterprise. We must take advantage of today's growing economy.  

   Our initial, new undertaking will be a blockhead movie in which Sunday comics come alive, to be filmed on location at FBI HQ. 

   We have yet to sign actors, but here for starters is what we envision:

           Charlie Brown - played by Jeff Sessions
                  Lucy - Hillary Clinton
               Dennis the Menace - Peter Strzok

                       Hagar the Horrible - Donald Trump
                 Dilbert - Rod Rosenstein
                                  Prince Valiant - James Comey

              Superman - Donald Trump, dual role
                        Superwoman - Judge Jeanine Pirro

                            Director - Robert Mueller

   We're seeking roles for James Clapper, John Brennan and Andrew McCabe. 

   Our blockhead-buster may hit the theaters in 2019. Or not.

   We may have to rethink this. Some of the above are or will be in legal trouble and unavailable for our project. Sad.  


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