Thursday, June 28, 2018

Plan B is for Baseball Brains        

   After sweeping the Yankees and blanking the Nationals 11-0, the Tampa Bay Rays on Tuesday led Washington again, 1-0 in the ninth.

   Alvarado, a young relief pitcher, walked the first batter. Cash, the manager, wanted another pitcher to face the next batter, but Alvarado the two after that. 

   While players stood dumbfounded, Cash explained to the umpire that Alvarado would "play" first base, and the rookie first baseman would go to left field. As reported in the newspaper, Ramos, the catcher looked at his manager "like he had two heads." 

   Alvarado himself still didn't understand. Cash told Ramos, who is bi-lingual, "Just shut up and explain it to him. You can make fun of me later." 

   Ramos told the pitcher to go stand on the bag and stay out of the way. The first baseman handed him his glove, adding, "Catch the ball if someone throws it to you." (But, the guy doesn't speak English!) 

   Nats' all-star Bryce Harper, on first base, was amused by it all. 

   Roe, the interim pitcher, struck out his batter. So far, so good. Cash reset the alignment, adding Gomez to the outfield. 

   Alvarado - distracted ya think? - allowed two singles. Bases loaded. One out. 

   Romo, Plan B, was called to the mound. His first batter hit a shallow tweener that Gomez ran down. Then Romo retired the last batter on three pitches. 

   The late Charles Krauthammer would have appreciated this scene, although he was a staunch Washington fan, of course. 

   It was the 22nd consecutive scoreless inning for Rays' pitchers, who have the best ERA in the league. So what?

   Tampa Bay has been on Plan B all season, opening Day 1 with only three available starters, now down to two. Two! Cash cobbles together relievers to pitch all nine innings. 

   Another reliever starts tonight as the Rays face Houston in the first of four games. The world champion Astros come in with pitchers whose records are 8-3, 9-1, 9-3 and 9-1. What's the Plan B for that?   


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